The concentrated broth of bones and rinds of Gascon pigs, simmered for a long time, is a true happiness and a trip to the time of our grandmothers.
Find the warm, comforting and powerful pleasure of a fine broth, with a remarkable aromatic palette.
Enjoy it on its own on winter evenings or use it as a beautiful gastronomic ingredient.
Nestle it hot in an elegant bowl, place a piece of seared foie gras on top, chop a few sprigs of chives, and you have a superb appetizer.
Patrick Duler makes us rediscover the virtues of real broths: the long cooking time allows to extract the mineral elements contained in the bones such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium.
Tips for use from Patrick Duler, talented cook: The broth can be combined with all kinds of herbs or raw vegetables: in winter, leek, onion, parsley, chives, celery; in summer, tomato, zucchini, peas, ... A light broth with fresh herbs finely chopped and added just before serving to preserve all the vitamins A broth with pasta Onion soup Vegetable gratins, endives, cauliflower, zucchini, eggplant..., topped with broth, covered with comté cheese and baked Risottos of rice or baby spelt To cook fish in court-bouillon To lengthen or strengthen meat juices We invite you to let your children try it and to let it embalm your kitchen and pass on these enveloping emotions to future generations.