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Cake dish " Les jardins du palais"


"The cake plate offers a panoramic view of ""Les Jardins du Palais"" illustrated by Pierre Frey. It will sublimate your presentations. Very decorative, it can also be used as a small tray for verrines during the aperitif. In its pretty box, this piece of earthenware will make a very original gift. When two houses of excellence unite for an original creation, the best awaits us. The famous plates of the Gien factory illustrated by Pierre Frey offer us a universe that is refined, singular and rich. The associations of dark and vivid colors sublimate a luxuriant vegetal decor from which animals emerge to perfect the whole."

"The cake plate offers a panoramic view of ""Les Jardins du Palais"" illustrated by Pierre Frey. It will sublimate your presentations. Very decorative, it can also be used as a small tray for verrines during the aperitif. In its pretty box, this piece of earthenware will make a very original gift. When two houses of excellence unite for an original creation, the best awaits us. The famous plates of the Gien factory illustrated by Pierre Frey offer us a universe that is refined, singular and rich. The associations of dark and vivid colors sublimate a luxuriant vegetal decor from which animals emerge to perfect the whole."

Les conseils de la maison

Cake dish - 36 x 15,5 cm - Collection Jardin du Palais - 1 piece in a box.

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Faiencerie de Gien

Grande manufacture historique, la faïencerie de Gien fabrique depuis près de 2 siècles, une faïence à «forte personnalité» qui marque nos souvenirs et suscite en chacun de nous des images, comme autant de réminiscences. Choisir des Faïences de Gien n'est pas un simple achat «d'art de la table», mais le choix «d'un art de vivre à la française», authentique et généreux, que l'on souhaite partager.

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